Deconstructing Conventional
Welcome to Deconstructing Conventional, a show fascinated by one simple question: How did we get here? How did what we call “conventional” come to earn that title? Is there a better way, and if so, what would it look like? This show is about deconstructing two things: Our individual biases, and the systems that run (or attempt to run) our everyday lives.
We do this deconstruction with an eye for where we can reconstruct something better that leads to flourishing societies, and robust physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In short, this show is about questioning our assumptions and practicing systems-level thinking.
I’m your host, Christian Elliot, I’ll do my best to stay curious and humble. You do the same and we’re both bound to learn something. Welcome to the show. Prepare to have your thinking stretched.
Herb Richards Ph.D. - Conquering "Incurable" Lyme Disease with Simple Remedies: Chlorine Dioxide, Silver, DMSO, and More

Dr. Robert Yoho: Chlorine Dioixde, DMSO & OSR: Three Suppressed, Easy-to-Use Therapies with Massive Healing Benefit

Kim Rogers: The Worm Queen - Unveiling the Hidden World of Parasites and Embracing Holistic Healing

Renita Brannan: Navigating Controversies and Miraculous Healing with Phototherapy

Michael Sileck: Salt - Why the "Experts" are Wrong, and Why You Need More of It

Hilda Ladrada Gore: Awakening Vibrant Health Through Ancient Practices and Spiritual Insights

Christian Elliot: Overcoming Fear - Embracing Power, Love, and Self-Discipline for a Life Free from Emotional Paralysis

Dr. Kelley Reis: Challenging Conventional Medicine: Mammograms vs Thermography and the Pursuit of Holistic Wellness

Catherine Austin Fitts – Discerning Truth in a Post-Covid World: A Grassroots Effort to Defeat the Enemies of Freedom

Sally Fallon Morrell - Timeless Nutrition Wisdom and the Fight for Food Freedom

Sean Patrick Tario – Digital Sovereignty and Free Speech: Exposing Big Tech's Control and Creating Privacy-Focused Alternatives

Sally Saxon – Unmasking Manipulation: Deep State Tactics, Vaccine Deception, and the Fight for Truth

Dr. Lee Vliet – Part Two: The Dark Rebranding of Eugenics Today

Dr. Lee Vliet – Do They Really Want Us to Die? Exposing the Dark Quest for Population Control: Part One

Christian Elliot – Deception and Control: Unveiling the World’s Secret Governance System

Dr. Heather Gessling – A New Era of Wellness: Private Memberships, Nutrition's Triumph Over Pharma, and the Launch of Healing United

Dr. Andrew Garner MD – The Sinister Problem of Heavy-Metal Toxicity and What You Can Do to Overcome It

Jordan Gundersen – Iridology Unveiled: Deciphering the Secrets of Eye Patterns for Personalized Health Insights

Carlos Moreno – Improve Your Eyesight Naturally - Challenging Ophthamology with The Bates Method

Mike Merrill – The Gut Health Revolution: Healing Crohn's, Embracing German New Medicine, and the Power of Mind-Body Harmony

Dr. Ben Follas – Silver's Healing Secrets: Natural Antimicrobials, Resonant Frequency, and the Power of Nano Silver

Jonathan Butts – Unveiling the Mysteries of Water: Structured H2O, Energy Interplay, and Revolutionary Healing Potential

Kim Witczak – Behind the Scenes of the Drug-Approval Process: Psyche Meds, Collateral Damage, and a Story of Tragedy and Hope

Dr. Marie Rodriguez ND - Homeopathy and Other Home Remedies for Drug-Free Living

Dr. Jen VanDeWater - A Pharmacist's Rude Awakening and How to Not Be Rx Dependent