Deconstructing Conventional

Christian Elliot – Deception and Control: Unveiling the World’s Secret Governance System

Christian Elliot Episode 32

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What if the systems that govern our world are nothing but an elaborate facade? Join me as I pull back the curtain on the hidden globalist agenda, revealing how central bankers and monopolists manipulate our reality. I'll mention my personal awakening in 2020 when censorship made me question the sturdiness of our constitutional protections. From there, I'll uncover how political candidates are groomed and governments are kept in check through insidious control mechanisms.

Discover the stark contrast between money and wealth, and how our debt-based monetary system was engineered to benefit the few at the expense of the many. We dissect the immense power held by influential banking families, such as the Rothschilds, and pivotal institutions like the Bank for International Settlements. Through historical perspectives and critical quotes, we'll illustrate how the U.S. dollar became the world's reserve currency post-World War II, solidifying a clandestine governance structure protected by legal immunities.

Brace yourself for a controversial exploration of 9/11, the Department of Defense's missing trillions, and the broader agenda to undermine national sovereignty. As we connect dots from the Going-Direct Reset to the World Economic Forum's unsettling predictions for 2030, we invite you to challenge conventional wisdom. Finally, we offer actionable steps to reclaim local sovereignty and counteract globalist influences, urging you to build strong community ties and embrace free-market principles. Together, we can confront and dismantle the globalist agenda.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to episode number 32. I had to take a break for a couple of months to get our Detox U program up and running and now that that is humming along, I am just excited to be back with you. So I have got a whopper of a monologue for you today, and while I'm still within the theme of deconstructing conventional today, I'm gonna widen the frame beyond the health-related topics I typically cover and, as you may be able to tell from the title of this episode, I'm going to be so bold as to attempt to tell you how the world really works, which I imagine may ruffle some feathers or at least raise some eyebrows. So this episode and the series of interviews that follow are something I have been bursting to talk about for a long time, and what pushed me over the edge was this whole Trump assassination story, and I just can't sit back and not talk about these topics because I see so many people who are being distracted by the theater we are seeing play out and they aren't seeing the big picture. So what I hope to do today is to bring a level-headed historical deconstruction to the big question of how did we get here? I'm under no illusion that you're going to agree with everything I have to say, and that's not the point. I want to help you be unafraid to think and, as you heard in the intro, my intent with this show is to stretch your thinking. If you don't like having your thinking stretched, you're listening to the wrong show. So my intent is to help you entertain challenging ideas and theories and demonstrate that we do not have to be hysterical when we do that.

Speaker 1:

So, personally, it's always fascinating to me to hear other people's stories of awakening and what's really going on in the world, and mine came when I could not explain why there was no consequence for the heavy-handed censorship we witnessed starting in 2020. And up until that point, I was under the illusion that free speech had constitutional protections. And what I learned during COVID was that the First Amendment and other rights we thought we had were just suggestions, and I thought, surely, once the sitting president of the United States was deplatformed, that censorship would have to stop, and instead it just got worse, and it was then that I realized I was missing something significant about who was really in control, how the government functioned and how the world works. So that's my quick story of what led me to look into a lot of what I'm going to share with you today. So two more things I'll say before I get into the meat of this episode is first is, if I say something that sounds outlandish or implausible to you, hear me out. Or implausible to you, hear me out, you may be right, but I think you'll see with the breadth of what I have to cover, there are some important questions that most people are not asking.

Speaker 1:

Second is, as I explain how the world works, or how I think the world works, I invite you not just to listen to my perspective but to take inventory of your emotional reactions to it, and particularly the emotion of defensiveness. So being defensive doesn't mean you're wrong about something, but I can tell you from my work as a health coach. I get paid to help people get to the root of their health challenges and defensiveness is often a sign that I'm over an important target, and an emotional aversion is often an indication that the person is grasping for an alternative explanation, because the one that's on the table is a little uncomfortable. So if defensiveness comes up for you as I talk, just take note of it. I'm not asking you to not think critically. I'm trying to challenge ideas and stories. I'm not challenging your intelligence or your integrity.

Speaker 1:

So while I'm going to present you with some things that may make you uncomfortable, as I promised in episode one, no matter what I talk about on this show, I will always present a sober, hopeful realism. So my hope with this episode is really to wake up some more lions who can finally see what's happening and get them to find the will to fight for truth in whatever way they can do that. So there's a great quote by Henry David Thoreau that says there are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. And today what I hope to do is help more of us be able to strike at the root. All right, so to produce this episode, I have to tell you I stand on the shoulders of research giants who have done the deep dive into documenting everything I'm going to tell you today, and I'll point you to their work both in my comments and in the show notes. So my gift to you is to attempt to distill down the salient need to know highlights into a shorter, more coherent picture, so you can make better decisions for yourself and your family. Okay, so let me give you my thesis. And if it sounds crazy, let me ask you a favor Keep listening about 10 minutes after that and if I don't have your attention you can leave. Fair enough, okay, so here is the thesis of this episode.

Speaker 1:

There is a covert globalist government that runs the world. You can think of them as the C-suite, really the C-E-O-C-M-O-C-F-O. There's this C-suite decision-making level and the management system. They use masquerades as the independent national governments to include the people that we think we elect. And it's my perspective that the nation state political party system that we participate in or follow in the news is largely, and in many cases, exclusively, a carefully curated illusion. It is theater, and those in the C-suite recruit potential political candidates through the captured university system and then groom them via money, ideological alignment, malleable morals and the creation of control files so that the vast majority of the so-called elected officials will do their bidding once they are put in office.

Speaker 1:

So, to picture this, you can kind of think of Disney World, right? There's this amazing above-ground world we all interact with, and what is underground, what we can't see, is the machinery that runs Disney World. That, in my opinion, is how the world works. My hope is that this episode helps you see more of the underground system. And my thesis is if you don't understand the underground system, you don't understand reality and you're stuck following the above ground illusion. So the desired outcome for this episode and really a series of interviews that follow it is simply just to encourage you to participate in building parallel systems that will disentangle us from the underground, evil, monopolistic, malthusian, machiavellian system that we live in. And if you don't know what all those big words mean, don't worry about it. By the time I'm done you will.

Speaker 1:

To kick off this party, I'm going to rewind 100 years to the month and give you one of the most telling quotes that explains where we are today. There is a fantastic book called A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson. My opinion that should be required reading in all of our schools. But don't go looking for it on Amazon because Amazon won't sell it to you. So in that book you can find these words. There's a quote from Montague Norman. You can also find Montague Norman on the cover of Time Magazine, volume 14, number eight, and Time Magazine will come up again later in this episode. But here's the quote from August of 1924 by Montague Norman, and appreciate that he is recounting the history that preceded this quote. So 11 years earlier, in 1913, they had set up the IRS and the third central bank of the United States, what we call the Federal Reserve, which is not federal and has no reserves. But that's a different story.

Speaker 1:

So he had this to say in 1924 about how the world really works Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through the process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of government applied through the central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus by discrete, discrete action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.

Speaker 1:

So there are so many things I could tease out of that quote, and I could probably teach a college course on it by now, but let me hit a few highlights. So capital, or you can hear money, or I'll say the control of money must be protected Well, protected by what. There's two things he mentioned. There's combination that protects money, so those who control money must get together and combine forces. And the second thing is legislation, in other words creating or you could read, buying laws that protect their interests. So appreciate that. He's saying we can use laws to rapidly take people's homes because we have the law on our side and people will become docile and easily governed when we do that.

Speaker 1:

But here's the one that jumps off the page to me by dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. He says we can use political theater and discrete action to keep the people divided so they never know what we're doing. We can get them arguing about all sorts of things that really aren't important. So if you hear that quote, you can say, okay, well, what would be questions of no importance that central bankers would like us to argue about? Let me just give you a few here's things central bankers would love it if you argued about. There's natural immunity versus vaccine immunity Totally irrelevant Viruses of natural origins versus lab origins or face mask effectiveness. We could argue about election interference or censorship or abortion or LGBT or the critical race theory and hate speech. We can argue about borders or drugs or nutrition or corporate greed or climate and pollution. We could argue about any of those. Now, to us, it would be offensive that they would think most of those hot button issues are really questions of no importance, and to a central banker, those topics, and pretty much anything else we're fighting about right now, are literally questions of no importance, which begs the question.

Speaker 1:

Well, what, then, is a question of importance, and I'm going to get into that in a couple of minutes, but first I have to explain the difference between money and wealth, because we're going to need that as we go on. So the difference between money and wealth is that money is an invention. It is intended to be a store of value, something we can collect that represents our hard work, and it's also a medium of exchange. It's something of agreed upon value that we can exchange so I don't have to figure out how many blueberries I have to grow in order to buy your house and it has to be something that you can also exchange for what you need. So wealth, on the other hand, is something that from the earth that has inherent value, and we could broaden that to relationships and health and so on. But just in the realm of what we think of as possessions, wealth used to be things of value that you owned land and cattle, and food and metals or whatever. So here's the way oversimplified version of how we got to the.

Speaker 1:

We started conflating money and wealth and as people accumulated things of value, historically, they wanted their property or their wealth to be protected. So banks or vaults with guards were established to protect people's stuff. I've got stuff and I don't want other people to take it, but it's hard to protect, so I'll give you something of value in exchange for protecting my stuff. Well, what happened was the protectors realized when the goods changed hands, the new owner would also want protection. So the protectors started writing notes to demonstrate transfer of ownership and the original person who made the claim on what was being protected now shifts to the new owner. And while that protection, eventually the protectors eventually realized that they could create as many of these paper notes as they wanted and people believed that was valuable. So in other words, they could invent something out of nothing and other people thought it was value, and those who didn't understand the game would have an unfair advantage of an exchange of wealth for promissory notes. So fast forward a few hundred years of the continuous innovation of that invention of money.

Speaker 1:

And what happened was the so-called protectors convinced governments to give them the privilege of creating a nation's money supply. The money supply, or the creation of money out of nothing, would be issued by fiat, which is just a short way of saying this paper is valuable because I say it is and you have to use it. And if you don't like that, you can take it up with my army. But it gets worse. This fiat money was issued as debt. Now it's a. It's a kind of a mind bender to get your head around. But if you're going to create a currency and that money will be debt basedbased, there's no money in circulation unless someone takes out a loan.

Speaker 1:

In our economy, money comes into existence when loans are created. So finish this proverb for me, if you know it, the borrower is the. What to the lender? The slave, right? So if a person maxes out their credit cards, they are a slave to the lender. If a nation maxes out its credit cards, it is are a slave to the lender. If a nation maxes out its credit cards, it is also a slave to the lender. So the money supply increases when loans are taken out in a debt-based monetary system.

Speaker 1:

When the money supply increases, what else happens? This ugly thing called inflation. You may have noticed this phenomenon at the grocery store or in your electric bills and plenty of other places. The definition of inflation used to be an increase in the money supply that always predictably, dependably, creates price inflation, because you've got more units of currency chasing the same amount of goods that existed before the currency was created. Okay, so hold that thought on the difference between money and wealth and what inflation really means and I'll come back to that later as we go through this historical timeline and show you how that situation metastasized into what we are living through today.

Speaker 1:

So for now, let me just I'll quote Henry Ford to kind of have a summary thought on this situation. He said it is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand the banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. What he's saying is that if we grasped the slavery system we live in, we would revolt. Okay, so let's go back to Montague Norman's quote. He said by dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. So if the social issues of today, funded by leading financiers, are manufactured divisive political theater, if those types of issues are not important, what are the questions of importance to a central banker? Well, here's the question they do not want you to ask who controls the money supply? Or maybe, to nuance this further not only who controls how much money is in supply, but who controls what money is. Those are the questions of importance they don't want you asking and they will do anything, including trafficking humans, engineering famines or even starting wars and funding both sides, to keep people from asking those questions.

Speaker 1:

So if you think we live in a capitalist free market system where nations are pursuing their own interests, I would say you are living under an illusion. We are currently living in a centrally controlled monetary system masquerading as a free market, and if you're alive today, you've probably never actually lived in a free market. If you want a deeper dive into this despicable system that we do live under, I would point you to the book I already mentioned A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson, or the fabulous book the Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin, or you could check out Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer. I would go so far as to say that if you do not understand the history in those three books, you don't understand history, and you certainly don't understand American history, or thus you don't understand how the world really works. Instead, what you've been studying, or what you've been taught, is the sanitized, approved version of history written by the victors and their mainstream media puppets.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, to back up to what I just said, let me introduce you to the Rothschilds family and quick notes to say brace for impact if you ever publicly question the Rothschilds, because sometimes you'll get slapped with this label of anti-Semitism with the intention of just shutting you up and saying there's nothing that you're saying. That could possibly be true. So if, by chance, you had that reaction to the Rothschild's name, my humble request is first just please define the word anti-Semitism and then we'll go from there. But it seems to me, based on the company that many of the Rothschilds keep, namely Marina Abramovich and others, and the art that they commission and the parties they throw. They seem more aligned with Satanism than anything remotely resembling the Jewish faith. But I'll leave that for later. And just for the record, I have nothing bad to say about the Jewish faith. I'm not trying to be divisive, but if I see anyone claiming any particular ethnicity or faith tradition and also perpetuating evil the way the Rothschilds has, I will not hesitate to throw them under the bus either. I think everyone's opinions and actions are fair game for scrutiny, especially people who wield as much wealth and power as the Rothschilds. So let me give you a quote from a couple of them so you can hear them in their own words and you can come to your own conclusions. So for context, the Rothschilds family is largely seen as the inventors, or at least the masterminds, of our current metastatic version of debt-based central banking that runs the world.

Speaker 1:

But here's Mayor Amschel Rothschild. There's a debate about when he said this. It's typically around 1838. But he said this give me control of the economics of a country and I care not who makes her laws. The few who understand the system will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors. There will be no opposition from that class. Basically, he's saying I control everyone's medium of exchange, I hold all the cards and I can manipulate people however I want. His son, nathan Rothschild, went on to say I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British empire, and I control the British money supply. So said differently, whoever controls the nation's money supply also controls the nation's army. Or as the late Henry Kissinger put it, he who controls the money controls the world. So if you're going to create a monopoly on the issuance of money and you want to wield that tool for your own agenda, then what you don't want is transparency and you certainly don't want to be constrained by the rule of law. Those two things are to be avoided at all costs. So one of the biggest tumors, if not the biggest tumor, in today's financial system is the Bank for International Settlements. It was founded in 1930.

Speaker 1:

And let me give you just some fun facts about this so-called bank. It is a building in Basel, switzerland. That no joke. Literally looks like a boot. It meets in secrecy. It is a building in Basel, switzerland. That no joke. Literally looks like a boot. It meets in secrecy. It doesn't take minutes. It can't be audited, it doesn't pay taxes, it can't be sued and it has its own police force. Most importantly, similar to the city of London, not London City, the Bank for International Settlements operates independent of any government. In other words, it is its own government and it is immune from the laws of any nation. The BIS actually has its own flag. Somehow they got the Swiss government to sign off on that.

Speaker 1:

So you can think of the Bank for International Settlement as the central bank of all the central banks around the world and, as I said, the central banking model has metastasized everywhere. The Bank for International Settlements currently has 63 member banks, basically meaning 63 nations, including the United States and the so-called BRICS nations. Just knowing that they are all part of the same hub and spoke model puts a different spin on the idea of a multipolar world. Is it really multipolar or is it one big banking club? I genuinely don't know the answer to that, but at least gives us reason for skepticism. But here's what we do know Any bank that is a member of the Bank for International Settlements enjoys the sovereign immunity that protects the BIS. It is a group of private banks, basically rich families, from at least 60 countries who manage the money supply of basically the entire world, from at least 60 countries who manage the money supply of basically the entire world and they deploy usury or debt on nations through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the lenders of last resort, so-called. So, by the way, all of the member banks appear to be on board and are working on their own digital currencies with the stated goal of removing cash from existence.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so banking and money is one major track we have to understand. It's the one thing to control. It's one thing to control money, but it's another thing to control and puppeteer all the narratives like Montague Norman talked about. For that you need more like-minded people. So, said differently, you need ideologically aligned monopolists if you want to take over the world. So remember Norman's quote capital must protect itself by combination and legislation, and their tools are discrete action and political theater.

Speaker 1:

So if you have not seen the political cartoon Bosses of the Senate from 1889, go look it up. And that cartoon is a great example of what people understood about how the US government actually functioned back then. So in the cartoon there are larger than life fat cats looking down from the balcony on these tiny little senators who we think we elected, and on the wall there's a big sign for the government that reads A government of the monopolists, by the monopolists and for the monopolists, and there's this small little door titled the People's Interest and it's locked shut. So right smack in the middle of that picture is one of the major monopolistic companies, standard Oil, which was owned by the Rockefeller family. So in David Rockefeller's autobiography, david Rockefeller was the son of John Rockefeller.

Speaker 1:

In David Rockefeller's autobiography, david Rockefeller was the son of John Rockefeller and his autobiography called Memoirs, published in 2002, such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure One world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty and am proud of it. So the next quote by David Rockefeller is also believed to have been recorded at the Bilderberg trilateral meeting in around 1991 at Baden, germany. If you go read the fact checkers on this quote, it's fun to watch their mental gymnastics as they attempt to argue this. This quote is not as bad as it sounds. But apparently Bill Gates or not Bill Gates, bill Clinton was in attendance here and this is a statement David Rockefeller made.

Speaker 1:

He said we are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. And it would have been basically, he's saying, it would have been impossible for us to pull all this off if the media was doing their job. We had to buy them all and just trust they wouldn't rat us out. But he goes on to say but the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The super national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries. Oh, how gross. Like people thinking they can determine what's best for them and set up their own governments and systems. Like how primitive that is his perspective. That's how a monopolist thinks. Their motto is competition is evil. They believe it has fallen to them to run the world and hopefully you can hear the hubris in that statement, you can hear the arrogance, you can hear the discreet action and the central planning in those quotes.

Speaker 1:

And folks, this agenda has been going on for a very long time. Infiltration and legislation is their playbook and, in case you're interested, I detailed the creation of, or the creation and capture really of, western medicine in episode two. If you want to check out that. I was also recently interviewed by two pharmacists where I laid out even more of the history of how they captured and centralized medicine, and I'll put a link to both of those in the show notes. But just suffice it to say that the Rockefellers and Bill Gates, who followed their lead in rebranding as a benevolent philanthropist after being exposed as a ruthless monopolist the Rockefellers and the Gates, those people have the same playbook in virtually every industry, not just media, but energy and women's suffrage and all levels of education, including religious education. They infiltrate the college levels and the Rockefellers have been instrumental, maybe more than anyone else, in the climate change hoax. So, by the way, if you're still under the illusion that the earth produces negligible resources and we're all about to choke to death from cow farts, then let me point you to something that can definitively ruin the climate hoax. There's a great piece of investigative journalism called Capture on the Unbecoming Substack, where the author points out in granular detail how the Rockefellers set up wait for it 990 institutions dedicated to promoting climate hysteria, which, as you'll hear in my next episode, often has other sinister implications behind it.

Speaker 1:

But all that investment in climate change begs the question why is that such an important issue to them? Well, there's another fascinating data point called the Report from Iron Mountain from 1967. If you haven't heard of this, go check it out. There was a meeting of globalists' minds took place in new york that year, and the problem they were trying to solve was to figure out how to maintain control of the population once their plans for a one world government were successful. That fly in the ointment was, they know, we humans need a cause to rally to, and if we don have one, the central bankers realized they would. Eventually we would rally against them, and if we unite against them, they know we win. So to prevent that problem, they set out to create something else humanity could be united about, and the only two things they could come up with after all of that thinking was climate hysteria and aliens.

Speaker 1:

So when you hear them talking about climate or UFOs, you can safely roll your eyes and move on. Yes, I think we have a massive pollution problem, but I am not convinced that it has anything to do with temperature. And yes, I think there is an unseen spiritual realm with angels and demons. But when I hear the mainstream media talking about climate and UFOs, I take that as a distracting theater. So just to give you two super important areas where you may have missed that, there is a globalist, monopolist agenda at work. I want to help you see how patient and methodical they are.

Speaker 1:

So one thing the Rockefellers hate and it's detailed in that Substack article I just mentioned one thing they hate is Christianity. I just mentioned one thing they hate is Christianity. They believe that faith, more than any other, is the obstacle to their agenda. And one thing they acknowledge is how they will have to deal with a pesky problem of people worshiping and being beholden to a different set of morals than the ones they believe in. So this is where the interests of people like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds overlap and where the unseen hands work to infiltrate.

Speaker 1:

So here is a quote from a book called the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, and it's subtitled A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church. So the author quotes two different Masonic documents, both of which both Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo VIII were publicly asked for these documents to be released. So why did they want it published so much? Well, because it exposed an intentional infiltration of the Catholic Church. And here's a quote from the Masonic writings the Pope, whoever he may be, will never come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come first to the church, and with the aim of winning them both. The work with which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor a month, nor a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight continues. So, folks, these people are patient, generational thinkers with a systems level outlook. They are looking at this through a long game.

Speaker 1:

And another great example of a similar agenda is for some of you this is going to be hard to swallow the Schofield Reference Bible, which was created by the charlatan Cyrus I Schofield. So go look into the history of him if you're interested. But that reference Bible was published by Oxford University Press, which was owned by wait for it the Rothschilds. So let that sink in for a second. So the Schofield Reference Bible was published in 1909, and it introduced to seminaries, and particularly the Moody Bible Institute, introduced to the seminary landscape a whole new theology or eschatology, which is basically the study of the end times. It introduced a theology that had never existed before. The Schofield Reference Bible basically became kind of the shiny new object of theological pop culture and it wrapped into Christian theology the idea of the inevitability of a one-world government, of an antichrist as a literal person and the idea of a rapture and the curse on anyone who didn't support Israel. So keep in mind, israel as a nation state didn't even exist at that time.

Speaker 1:

Now, if this is something interesting to you and you want to go deeper on the topic, I've got a couple resources for you in the show notes. One is a documentary called the Mystery of Israel where you can see a very different version of how today's nation state of Israel came to be, and there's also a book called Victorious Eschatology by Eberle and Trench that can help you see how a first century Jewish reader would have understood the book of Revelation. But on this topic I'll leave you with a question Did Jesus come to set up an earthly kingdom or a spiritual kingdom? I'll leave that one there. I'm not going to go any deeper into that day because that would make this episode way too long. But I bring it up because that topic has major implications for how the church and society at large views world events, especially what's happening in the historical land of Israel. So if you want me to cover that in more detail, then let me know in the comments and if I have time maybe I'll do an episode all about that or I can even interview someone on the topic.

Speaker 1:

But the point here is to show how serious globalists one world government thinkers are in their efforts to infiltrate everything and shape the world into their image of how they want it to function. All right. So that brings us up to basically World War II. So you can think of like before World War II we more or less had these mafia factions fighting for control. And when you hear capital here, power, power and money must protect itself by combination cartels and legislation. And this really clicked into overdrive post World War Two. So before the war was even over.

Speaker 1:

The central bankers got together in Brenton Woods, new Jersey or sorry, new Hampshire in 1944 to decide on a new monetary system to rule the world economy after World War II. And what they ended up deciding was the US dollar would be the so-called reserve currency, meaning everyone in the world would accept it. And to get that agreement they tied it to a gold standard. But in 1971, having it tied to gold something of actual value became too constricting to that agenda. So they just dropped the gold backing and went straight fiat money. That could be expanded as much as possible and instead of being backed by gold, it was backed up by the hefty presence of the US military all over the world, which I'll come back to in a few minutes. So in short, in 1944, when they made the? U, the US dollar a reserve currency, they didn't just create a stable currency for the world. What they created was a weapon. Just go ask Russia what it's like being cut out of the US dollar system for not following orders.

Speaker 1:

But before I get ahead of myself, there's one more crazy thing that happened in the 1940s that I cannot skip. So if you thought my thesis at the beginning that we are already living in a covert global governance system. If you thought that was outlandish, that this is where you're about to have your mind blown. So, as I said, I stand on the shoulders of giants to be able to synthesize this for you, in particular the work of Corey Lynn, who wrote a fantastic series of articles called laundering with immunity, where she details the minutiae, with links you can verify to your heart's content if you want to, about how the global governance infrastructure is set up, and I'll link to her work in the show notes. But let me give you just a summary of her monstrous amount of work. We'll start with this.

Speaker 1:

Almost immediately after World War II, on December 29, 1945, congress passed the International Organizations Immunity Act, which is as bad as it sounds. International organizations are, and can be, declared immune from national law. So how is an international organization granted immunity? Well, the president of the United States simply issues an executive order and presto, immunity shield in place. So Congress and we, the people, are cut out of that process. So not only that as Corey Lynn points out, many, if not all, member states of the UN, which is pretty much the entire world, have also passed similar legislation, utilizing nearly identical language. So keep in mind that the United Nations was founded in October of 1945. So basically two months before the International Organizations Immunity Act was passed. And guess who purchased the land for and built the building for the UN? Oh, that's right, it was the Rockefellers, right?

Speaker 1:

So besides being immune from prosecution for crimes, what this act did was also give organizations the privileges like they're exempt from taxes. Their archives are not allowed to be reviewed. The people in those organizations, including their families, are free to travel to any country without papers or fingerprinting, which was especially nice privilege to have during COVID, when many of us commoners were stuck with vax passports. But these people could just travel freely. So since the International Organizations Immunity Act was passed, 76 organizations have been granted full immunities by presidential executive order. And for what it's worth, every president except Trump, and so far Biden, have issued orders extending immunities to more organizations.

Speaker 1:

So here are just some of the whoppers on this list of 76 organizations that operate outside the law, and as I read a few of them to you just appreciate the breadth of industries represented here. So the United Nations is the top they have of the 76,. 22 of them are for all of the UN spinoffs that are in their organizations. So another important entity that most haven't even heard of is the Organization for American States, which is its own juggernaut and I won't get into here, but has conveniently got an office in DC right across from the White House.

Speaker 1:

But here are some other major organizations immune to the laws of every nation. So you've got the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank. There's a smattering of different international telecom and energy and food conglomerates in there. That covers agriculture and seafood and fertilizer. Even the European Space Agency has immunity. The World Intellectual Property Organization has immunity. Agency has immunity. The World Intellectual Property Organization has immunity. The International Criminal Police Organization, also known as Interpol, the World Tourism Organization I'm sure nothing shady goes on with that one the Red Cross, the World Trade Organization and many more. So do you see it? Yet Let me attempt to repeat the significance of this in case you missed it.

Speaker 1:

There are 76 international organizations that operate outside the law, and in case that wasn't bad enough, it gets way worse. Not only do these 76 organizations have immunities from everything I listed, here's the kicker Any entity that subcontracts with them also gets immunity protections. That basically means thousands of NGOs and corporations. Basically, that means there is a shadow government that runs the world and it got really big really fast. So let me give you a few examples of corporations that also enjoy these protections. So basically anything Bill Gates, gavi, microsoft. There's big tech Meta, google, etc. The mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies and, interestingly, cern If you don't know what CERN is, check that out. Pharmaceutical companies and, interestingly, cern If you don't know what CERN is, check that out. Basically, if it's big, if there's a celebrity billionaire behind it, it probably operates outside the law and definitely outside our ability to send FOIA requests, freedom of Information Act requests, to find out what's going on, which would explain why there's been no prosecution for obvious, egregious crimes that we see playing out in the news seemingly every week.

Speaker 1:

Now. These people literally operate outside the law. They have set up their own government, their own justice system and they have their own democracy where they get to vote and dictate to the rest of the world how events will unfold and what crimes will get ignored, because the people behind them are so-called systemically important. Those in power allow us to be distracted by the political theater of bringing some of these people in for congressional testimony, where they publicly take the verbal tomatoes and receive a hefty check for their services and then they just exit stage left knowing nothing will happen to them. And it was all for show. See Tony Fauci or Jamie Dimon, or the heads of HHS or the FBI and so on. It's all theater. Are you starting to see how the world actually works? And it's not like we have not been warned that this was happening.

Speaker 1:

So here's a quote from Dwight D Eisenhower. In his 1961 farewell speech as president of the United States, he had this to say about the dangers that he observed of riches combined with military and scientific power. So appreciate also what he is. He's about to not be president, but he took the time to warn us about what he saw. He said this atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. We must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We must also be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific, technological elite, end quote. And he wasn't the only one sounding the alarm. So just consider this quote by his successor, john F Kennedy, about the biggest threat to democracy.

Speaker 1:

We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Do you see it now? Do you see the thoroughness of it? This cancer I guess you could call it parasite has been growing for a long time. It creates nothing and it's consuming its host.

Speaker 1:

So fast forward from those warnings to let's go to 1994. And there's another very significant thing happened, and that is that the Federal Reserve, the third central bank of the United States, joined the bank for international settlements and so after that, trillions of dollars literally started disappearing from the federal books. So in fiscal 1998, that is to say October of 1997, huge amounts of money just started going missing. And they started calling them undocumented adjustments was the phrase they used. And since some people were actually paying attention and nothing was done about it when the SEC was asked about these adjustments, in almost every instance they just responded with no comment. That was the breadth of their thorough investigation. So in 1999, to give some, I guess, appearance of legality, there was a loophole created. To justify that behavior, accounting Standards Board passed a new standard, number 56, typically referred to as FASB 56, which gives those with a high level national security clearance the authority to modify government financial records.

Speaker 1:

So fast forward from 1999 to 2001. And one of the biggest things FASB 56 did was basically give the Department of Defense unlimited amount of money it can spend in secret. Oh good, so some of you may remember this. On September 10th 2001, the Secretary of Defense, donald Rumsfeld, goes on C-SPAN you can find this online and he reports to the American public that, strangely, $2.3 trillion is missing from the DOD budget. Huh, like, did we buy a couple thousand aircraft carriers and forget where we put them? Well, I guess we'll just have to go check the piggy banks in the basement and see if we can find it. I mean, $2.3 trillion is an unfathomable amount of money. So that was September 10th 2001,.

Speaker 1:

And we all know what happened the next day. We were all sold this story that these crafty terrorists hijacked multiple planes and flew them into buildings, and it was a totally natural thing for buildings to collapse in a controlled demolition fashion. And I'm embarrassed to say that I fell for that story for about 20 years. And in case I'm the one breaking it to you that September 11th was an inside job, I'm sorry. I did not enjoy that bitter pill myself and I'm still shocked. I fell for it for as long as I did and partially wish I could unsee it. But I'm aware now that some of you totally think I'm crazy and I've just lost you.

Speaker 1:

And if that's you, I'll just say look into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. That was the building that housed the classified government records and also fell in a controlled demolition fashion all by itself on September 11th. One fun fact you can verify is that the collapse of the building by the way, it was not hit by a plane, it just collapsed all by itself. But the collapse of that building was announced on the BBC over 20 minutes before the building actually collapsed. How did they know that was coming collapsed? How did they know that was coming? Folks, what they want you to do is never forget the World Trade Center buildings one and two and totally forget building seven. And again, I'm sorry if I'm the one breaking this to you, but someone has to do it, okay? So let's keep the story going. In case you didn't know, the Department of Defense just failed its sixth audit. Congratulations to them. That's quite an impressive streak.

Speaker 1:

So, as of 2015, $21 trillion have been documented as stolen from the United States government books. If you want to see the hard evidence for this, I'll point you to the great work of Katherine Austin Fitz from Solaricom and Mark Skidmore, who is a professor at Michigan State University. But what I can say is that since 2015, the books just went dark. They don't even bother with the formality of pretending there's some sort of accountability, and now it's estimated that somewhere between 30 and 35 and 90 trillion dollars is missing. So, as I said, it's really hard to get your head around how much money that could be. So let me see if I could make that personal. If we just stuck with the $21 trillion they've stolen and assume they grew a conscience and stopped that in 2015,. If we just stuck with $21 trillion as the amount of money the federal government stolen, that equates to about $65,000 per person in a country, and that includes $65,000 for each of your kids. So if we went with a high number, the $90 trillion figure, then the stolen money would equal about $270,000 per person. What in the world could we have done with that money?

Speaker 1:

So, friends, fasb 56 and the events that played out since then are basically an in-your-face shut up. We are not accountable to you. We're not even pretending to follow the Constitution anymore. Stop us, if you can. We've got you where we want you and we don't care about you. That's what they're saying, and COVID was just the latest example of it.

Speaker 1:

There is a brazen public disregard for the law, there's a contempt for humanity that has set up a two-tiered justice system One for the good little poodles in office who do the bidding of their master, and there is another system for the rest of us. Friends, welcome to the real world. So where are they going with all this and what can we do about it? But before I get to that, there's another piece of the puzzle I have to tell you about. So the question is basically how do you keep a scam of this magnitude going? How do you enforce all of this?

Speaker 1:

And God only knows where the Department of Defense has used all those untold trillions of dollars, but what we can observe is the footprint of the US military around the world. That's actually fairly easy to verify. So please know that this gives me no pleasure to report this to you. In fact, it breaks my heart. I love what this country was founded on, but we do not live in those United States anymore. The US we thought we did is not what we're living under, and so if you're thinking like a globalist whose wet dream is the one world government and you know you're going to need a police force for that, then you have to be shrewd about how you use it. So I think it's fair to say that the US military has basically morphed into the international police force for the globalist empire. Now we can debate how and where it's used for good, but what we can verify is that the US has at least 750, and some would say as high as 800 to 900 military bases in 80 countries. So we won World War II and we never left Germany or Japan. Another noteworthy development is that Sweden and Finland, russia's neighbors, just agreed to 15 more US military bases each.

Speaker 1:

So we're supposed to believe that the military with that kind of reach can police the world and the shipping lanes and can't do anything to secure our own border. Friends, the border crisis could be stopped in a week if there was a will to do that. There isn't. Instead, the only conclusion we can come to is that what's happening at our southern border is intentional and the covert system is working exactly as they've set it up to do. The goal is to weaken and destroy the country and, by the way, it's not just a US problem, it's all over Europe. They're blowing up the borders. Whereas David Rockefeller admitted I guess we should say bragged about that's what they're doing. They want to break the country apart. We could take years to build a gigantic wall, or we could move our military to the border now.

Speaker 1:

So don't hold your breath on that last one. The US military has done good, but it has also inflicted or infiltrated and fostered endless wars and co-opted as an international bully. That basically says you accept our dollars or you behave. You put the right leaders in place or you're going to have to deal with our military. If your country gets out of line, we'll create a pretext to overthrow you, hello Ukraine. So, friends, our Department of Defense is not about defense. It's really about offense.

Speaker 1:

And if you dispute that, please explain the southern border. I know that is a bitter, bitter pill for many of you to swallow, especially if you have been in the service and if you have. Thank you for serving us. So I don't say any of this lightly, but if we can't face this reality, we can't do anything about it. Okay, so we're getting closer to present day and I know a lot of us. I've given you a lot of background in there.

Speaker 1:

So there are two other major events that you have to understand to help you get your head around our current reality. The first is that in 2019, the central bankers and giant hedge fund managers which included Larry Fink from BlackRock, which is the largest hedge fund in the world that manages more money than most countries have to work with those central bankers and hedge fund bigwigs had their annual meeting of the minds in Jackson Hole, wyoming, and they birthed what's called the going direct reset. Which? What in the world is that going direct reset? Which? What in the world is that? Well, the short of it is that going direct meant skipping the banking process and directly injecting obscene amounts of cash into the economy. So the Jackson Hole meeting was August of 2019. And we all know what played out in early 2020. Businesses were shut down, the government money spigot, was turned on and $5 trillion was injected into the economy. So remember my definition of inflation from earlier Inflation is an increase in the money supply and in this case, a dramatic increase the likes of which the world had never seen. And despite some of that money getting directly put in individuals and small businesses' pockets, somehow most of that cash found its way to billionaires, giant corporations and so-called special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, which had the special purpose of buying up all sorts of real assets at fire sale prices. How lovely.

Speaker 1:

The second thing I'll point out is that it was right around this time that the World Economic Forum rolled out their repugnant promotional video with a prediction of what the world will look like by 2030. In case somehow you missed that disgusting piece of vision casting, let me recap what you missed, because it showcases what else they have planned for this decade. So the video starts off with eight predictions. That video actually has nine predictions, so somehow that wrinkle got missed in editing, but whatever. So prediction number one is perhaps the most telling and disturbing. It says this you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. And when they say nothing, they mean nothing. You don't own your home or your car. You don't even own your living room or your shirt or your toaster. It's almost like that's what they created SPACs for was just to buy up more things, like Norman Montague meant when he said mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through the simple process of law, people lose their homes, they will become docile and more easily governed. Do you see it yet?

Speaker 1:

Prediction number two from the World Economic Forum Everything you want you'll rent. If we take all your stuff, your only option will be renting Everything you want you'll rent. If we take all your stuff, your only option will be renting everything you want your rent, and it will be delivered by drone. Fun, which begs the question who will we be renting from? And what's with the drones? Am I under house arrest, like they were in china during the zero covid measures? Am I in an open air prison like gaza or songdo, south korea, where everything is digitized and the government controls all the inputs?

Speaker 1:

Prediction number three the US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate. Well, that sounds a lot like the Rockefeller vision of undermining and busting up the US, doesn't it, which makes a lot more sense why the border crisis is only getting worse. Prediction number four you won't die waiting for an organ. We won't transplant organs, we'll print new ones. As a health coach, this is hilarious to me, as if somehow we can print living biological systems and implant them in us. That sounds a lot more like the transhumanist agenda, or maybe Elon Musk's creepy Neuralink, which is going to implant in your head and hook up to the cloud, where we can merge man and machine and plug people into the so-called Internet of Bodies. No, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Prediction number five You'll eat much less meat an occasional treat, not a staple for the good of the environment and our health, right? Is that why they keep pumping the bird flu narrative, killing off hundreds of millions of chickens and spreading, spending hundreds of millions of dollars to develop mRNA bird flu vaccines that don't have any liability? Friends they're. They're coming after your food and your health, and this agenda is brought to you by the same people spending billions on so-called food products that the market has soundly rejected, namely fake meats and the mass production of bugs. No one wants that stuff, yet they keep throwing billions of dollars at it and making them on a massive scale. Why, well, don't worry about that. It's for your own good and it will save the planet. Right?

Speaker 1:

Prediction number six a billion people will be displaced by well-funded globalists. I mean by climate change. We'll have to do a better job of welcoming and integrating refugees. Huh, that sounds a lot like forced open borders, blamed on climate hysteria and telling us we're not compassionate if we resist organized human trafficking. Fantastic gaslighting, great job. Let's not help people where they are. Let's move them around the world and destabilize everything we want to take over. That's what you can hear in prediction number six.

Speaker 1:

Prediction number seven Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. Never mind, that's what you and I exhale. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history. And if we run the world on unsustainable batteries that generate less energy than what it takes to produce them, that would be great. And in another video they said swallow this one. Another World Economic Forum video. They said we're going to all have to reduce our standard of living. All us commoners, not them. We'll have to reduce our standard of living by 75% in order to make their arbitrary green fantasies, or we will face mass extinction.

Speaker 1:

Do you see the weaponization of the climate change agenda? Yet? Prediction number eight this one's terrible. You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life question mark right, we can all pile into the spacecraft and hitch a ride to the gas chamber I mean the barren wasteland of mars and search for martians, because that sounds so much better. I'm sure they've been saving up all those trillions of dollars they've stolen so they could use the resources to keep us alive for years on our interplanetary mission. Come on, is anyone buying that? And bonus prediction number nine is it the extra one?

Speaker 1:

Western values will have been tested to the breaking point, which sounds a lot like Using the political party system. We will distract the populace to get them to expend their energies arguing over questions of no importance. Does that sound familiar? Prediction number nine goes on to say checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten. Remember, when they say democracies, they mean their democracies, the factions that get together in their little immune bubbles and decide how the rest of us are going to live. That's what they mean by democracy. So do you see it now. Their utopia is our dystopia and they are hell-bent on doing whatever infiltration and insidious legislation it takes to lead us to the future they promoted in that promotional video, and if you haven't seen it yet, I'll put a link to it in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

As I said, they are brazen now. They just told us what their plan is and it is playing out all around us. There is this sick, sadistic pleasure they get from telling us what they're planning to do. It's the boldness that says, yeah, we're doing that. Stop us, if you can, we own you. That is their message to you.

Speaker 1:

So Eisenhower wasn't kidding when he said there is an evil afoot and it is hostile, global, atheistic, ruthless and insidious. So what else is part of their vision? Well, a lot fewer of us on Earth than we have now. And for those of you who they don't kill, they picture us in digital prison with programmable money, and we will exist to feed them bread and circus. The plan for them to get us to go along with it is to enliven our otherwise quote useless existence, as you've all know how I put it with drugs and computer games. So I've got some great interviews coming up that will lay out that ugly history on depopulation, and then that eugenics agenda, and I've also got another one on the digital control mechanism, so you can see what they are talking about. But for now I'll leave it to Cori Lynn to summarize really the best summary I have of what I've covered so far. She said this in her article on laundering with immunity. Together, the BIS, the central banks, the United Nations, the Organization for American States and other international organizations and banks enjoying immunity and privileges are a powerhouse that has the ability to move undetected behind closed doors with no transparency or accountability, and move their agenda forward with little or no legal ramifications.

Speaker 1:

While people go about their days putting their children to bed, sending them off to school, getting themselves to work and cooking a family dinner, these masterminds are plotting out everyone's future in a granular manner that most don't even recognize as the global takeover it is. And yet the clock ticks down as they attempt to accomplish their ultimate goal in less than six years from now A digital world with a digital workforce, a genderless society with no individualism or self-identity, a transhumanist decay where humans meld into robots, in an environment where these powers hold the key to control everything one needs to survive on all, with the exception of one thing one's soul. So Noah Harari, yuval Noah Harari, the so-called prophet of the world economic forum, had this to say. He said humanity began when humans invented God, and humanity will end when humans become God and they see themselves as becoming that. So to them, there is nothing special about humans. Forget being created in the image of God. We are cosmic accidents of eternal matter. They see themselves as gods who can create life in their own image. And if you don't think that's what's happening, wake up. There is an ideological and economic axis of factions aligned to hold all the power for themselves. They are atheistic, soulless, empty, hollow, depraved people, and if you think people like that don't exist or haven't weaseled their way into levers of power, you are fooling yourself. Friends, covid was the kickoff party to their agenda for this decade, and if you can't see it by now, then I'm sorry. I have failed you, but I have done my best. So let me get us up to present day. I've got one more thing to stretch your thinking, but I promise some hopeful thoughts as I go forward.

Speaker 1:

So you may be asking why the unmasked urgency? Why have they become so rushed and so out in the open with their plans. Well, my sense of their urgency is that we are living at the tail end of a financial Ponzi scheme of unsustainable debt. You can't taper your way out of a Ponzi scheme. Eventually the house, of course, collapses. So their ambition, of course, is to reset the system in a fashion that allows them to retain power. So war and civil unrest and foreclosures is how they do it. That's what Norman Montague talked about In 1924, when he said the quote I read at the beginning. They had already set up the Fed and the IRS and they were about to engineer the Great Depression and fund both sides of World War II. So they could benefit no matter who won and, as he put it, secure for themselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished. Do you see it now?

Speaker 1:

This time their plan is to attempt to take all of your stuff, all of it, and they have been very clear about that. And they are using every dirty mechanism of power they have practiced for the last hundred plus years to make you docile and easily governed and sure. They are working to create a scenario where enough of us are unable to afford to live. When they added $5 trillion to the economy. They were not unaware that would create massive inflation. That was intentional, not benevolent. They knew the money would end up in their pockets and just consolidate their wealth even more.

Speaker 1:

And their plan to reset the system is not over. If they shut down the world's economies for COVID, for crying out loud, what else do you think they're willing to do Now? They just need another manufactured emergency as a pretext to reset the system. So here's the important point. It won't matter if you have a nice nest egg built up. If a large enough segment of the population can't afford to live, you're going to go through supply chain chaos. This is a problem that all of us will have to face, and it would also be a great way to reduce everyone's standard of living by 75%. And I think we can prevent so much of that pain if we wake up. But more on that in just a few minutes. So this gets me back once again to good old Montague Norman. Remember this quote. Here's the dependable tool they use to keep us from uniting by dividing the voters through the political party system. Remember, the captured system is the distraction. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.

Speaker 1:

I've pointed that out repeatedly because a lot of you are fawning over the Trump assassination theater and I don't know anyone who has looked into it honestly that believes the lone gunman theory, like nothing about that scenario makes sense. So, friends, as I told you, I'm going to stretch your thinking and for some of you this will be the hardest part of the whole episode. But given what I've gone to great lengths to lay out for you, think for a second. I know it's gross, but think for a second like know it's gross, but think for a second like an atheistic, ruthless, insidious globalist. Try to think like one. And if you wanted to distract the population over questions of no importance, would assassination theater be a great distraction? I would argue yes.

Speaker 1:

I think it's fair to say that there are two ends of the spectrum of Trump derangement syndrome. There are those who think he's Hitler or Satan and those who think he's Superman or the Messiah or God's appointed hero, where there's always a hidden strategic reason to justify whatever is not flattering about Trump's record, like his trip to Epstein Islands, for example. So if I'm a globalist and I wanted to create a population that's docile and easily governed. I'd get them so lathered up with religious fervor about Trump that they're more divided than ever. I'd get the left to create more unrest and I'd get the right to think they don't need to do anything. They can just sit back and wait for Trump to come drain the swamp.

Speaker 1:

On the off chance that I haven't offended everyone listening to this, let me try a little harder. Here's the uncomfortable thought what if Trump is another captured puppet? Now, I'm not saying that I'm right, but I'm saying if we are closed off to even entertaining that thought, then we are closed off to looking at any evidence that he might be, and that would be right where the globalist puppeteers would want us. If the deep state really wanted to knock him off, I'm pretty sure they had other ways to get to him besides a public spectacle. Now the task falls to people who are much more qualified than I am to do the forensic audit of that event.

Speaker 1:

But let me say two things. There's this magic photo of somehow somebody captured the bullet as it's traveling through the air right after it supposedly passed through Trump's ears and again, I'm not a forensic expert. But the people who claim to be so tell me that the length of the bullet in the photo and based on the shutter speed of the camera, that bullet would have to be twice as fast as any rifle bullet on the market. So either that bullet was magic or the photo was a fabrication. And add to that, the strange coincidence of the photographers who took the bullet was the same photographer who took the picture of Bush on 9-11 when he was informed about the World Trade Center buildings. What are the odds to be in both locations? So then there's the Secret Service's bizarre behavior that they didn't rush him off the stage but puttered around and had time for an iconic photo shoot. That would have given so much more time for more shots to be taken at Trump if there was a real shooting going on. Something about that stinks.

Speaker 1:

So, friends, I'm not saying Trump was in on it, but we should be sturdy enough to question if he was and see where the evidence leads. So again, come to your own conclusions and believe what makes sense to you. I'm not here to tell you what to think, just to attempt to stretch your thinking. Don't be afraid to question everything. When I saw the so-called assassination attempt, my first thought was maybe. And as soon as it was, another predictable lone gunman story, I got even more skeptical. So the theatrics of a phony assassination attempt if that's what it was would be child's play compared to the complexity of what they pulled off on 9-11. Your globalist enemies depend upon you falling for the official reality of scripted political theater. May we stop falling for it and instead soberly question everything, including the nations, about Israel, even if it's uncomfortable to ask those questions. So here are two things that give me significant pause.

Speaker 1:

If you think Trump is coming to save us, look into the history of Peter Thiel, who was the mentor and financier of JD Vance. Thiel has extensive connections to the CIA and his company Planeteer is the engine on which the surveillance state runs. I'll put a link in the show notes if you want to read up more on Peter Thiel. I don't think you'll like what you find. And then consider who Trump floated as the Secretary of the Treasury. Jamie Dimon, who is the, is the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, perhaps the most corrupt bank in the world. That was the bank that was used by Jeffrey Epstein and Jamie Diamond can smugly testify in Congress because he knows he's untouchable. He knows he does not answer to the American people. So do you think someone like that is going to plug a leak in the US Treasury. If he's in that position, folks brace for impact because the bankers will still be winning. So I'll say this If Trump becomes president, again, watch for how much money gets poured into the digital surveillance or ie, the control grid.

Speaker 1:

And does Trump cut off funding to Peter Thiel's company, anderle, which is currently building a virtual border wall, as if that's going to stop anybody. In other words, it's not a real wall. Or does Trump bring our military home to secure the border while a real wall is built? Try that as a litmus test. So, as with any politician, pay less attention to what Trump says and pay more attention to what he does. Speaker Johnson came in saying no more money for Ukraine until we secure our own border, and that lasted for a hot second. So maybe Trump will be different.

Speaker 1:

But, as your friend, I'm encouraging you to not hold your breath. I'd rather be guilty of overestimating my globalist enemies craftiness than underestimating them. Okay, so let me give you some good news. This icky, gloomy, hard to hear perspective. Let's get to the sober, hopeful part. We'll start here.

Speaker 1:

The vision that globalists have for the future is clear, and one comforting thing we can say is that if they could pull it off, they already would have. They're not ready, which means we still have time. Some great news is that they have nowhere near the massive amount of energy they need to actually run a nationwide or international digital control grid. The data centers are not big enough and there isn't enough energy to do it. So, for example, in just four years from 2020 to 2023, microsoft doubled the amount of energy they're using, particularly because of chat GPT. So that program alone used up more energy than it takes to power 1000 homes for five to six years. So that's why Bill Gates and Larry Fink and Warren Buffett are investing billions in wait for it nuclear energy, because they need a lot more energy to feed the data beast. So how much do you want to bet Bill Gates won't be paying carbon tax on that?

Speaker 1:

But, friends, they are in a race to set up their digital control grid before enough of us wake up and they lose their power forever. Set up their digital control grid before enough of us wake up and they lose their power forever. So all of their power relies on distractions and lies, which means their grip on humanity has a major weakness If we can stop waiting around for Superman, see reality as it is and call out evil where we find it. I think there's a really good chance we run out the clock on these guys and I can't promise you a bump free ride ahead. But I think their grip on power starts to slip and as they do it they will get more aggressive. So they will likely keep pushing for war. So don't fall for the propaganda and do not send your kids off to fight another banker's war.

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But here's the short version of my admonition. Ignore the national political theater. Stop giving it your attention. The hours you lose to the theater are hours that could be going to you being part of the solution. Your attention is their source of energy. So cut them off and instead focus on your state and local levels. That's where our real powers are.

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As we disentangle our municipalities from their grip, we give the globalists the one thing they fear the most, and that's irrelevance. So get educated about their attack vectors on your food, your money, your energy, your education and your faith where you live. If you've got the will to do it, then go pick a fight and find the globalist moles in your local area and make a stink. Expose them, mock them, shun them publicly and get them out of office. Get your businesses and local governments disentangled from all the DEI and ESG nonsense.

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Now start the work of figuring out how to cut off the attack vectors where you are. So meet your farmer, meet your sheriff, meet your local banker, meet your city council. Heck, even send them this podcast if you want to. It's the shortest summary I know of about what's really going on, and I've got a lot of links in the show notes you can back up what I have to say today. So if all that feels too big for you, then pray. All of us can do that. Get in your prayer closet and go to battle. Our enemy hates that, so stick it to them. If you want some resources for how to fight this battle, you can check out my next few episodes and please subscribe to the newsletter at truewholehumancom or at healingunitedtoday.

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I've been thinking about this for a long time, as you can probably tell, and I've got some blueprints for what we're coming up with for our local area and how we are disentangling from the gross globalist web, and if you're on our newsletter, I can happy to tell you all about that. So let me leave you with a few great developments in the rebel renaissance that are really popping up all over the world. So, as you may know, the woke DEI, which I think stands for distractions, errors and incompetence departments they're all being defunded all over the country and many universities and states and corporations are moving away from the environmental social governance agenda, which is basically just a way of killing their bottom line because they're controlled by an outside party. So major money flows are being taken away from those kinds of initiatives. We're about to test this idea, so we'll see how accurate I am. But I think elections are getting harder to steal at a local level because the scams are so obvious. So there will be more shenanigans, for sure, in the upcoming election, but there are good people taking office at more local levels. So, as I said before, the market has soundly rejected all the fake meats and the all-you-can-eat bugs, propaganda, central bank, digital currencies basically software masquerading as money has been a flop where they've rolled it out, and Nigeria was one such place where they got a 2% uptake. So the climate narrative is crumbling all over the world and people are realizing that it's just a weapon.

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I say there's revival happening in the Christian church. Churches are growing and even celebrities are coming to faith, and the more life doesn't make sense, the more the church is persecuted, the more the church grows. So if Rome couldn't squash early Christianity, the globalists can't either, and they're hubris. They're too blind to realize that the more you persecute Christians, the more the gospel spreads. So bring it on, globalists.

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Your efforts are actually making this easier, and newsflash to the World Economic Forum telling us that you will root out the pride of ownership from the human heart and we're going to like it is hilariously inaccurate. You will never stomp out the desire for freedom from the human heart. I was one that was blind to your tricks until COVID started, and you've just woken up. Countless more mom and papa bears, just like me. So let me give you one other comforting thought.

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Like I said before, if you're listening to this and you've never actually lived in a capitalist free market society, you've only known a centrally controlled economic model masquerading as a free market. So the productivity and flourishing that is possible without manipulated debt-based money would blow your mind. So here's a positive way to kind of stretch your thinking. What could you do? Or what could you do to install a free market at a local level? And if we come together to create our own currencies and we are focused on what Montague Norman said as the question of importance if we have our own currencies, we take away their power from them. They lose everything. And, for context, around the time of the Depression, there were thousands of local currencies. I found one here in my local coin shop. There's a Panama City note. How about that?

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So, as we put this globalist sickness in check, we can unleash an innovative human spirit and live in a very different world, and that's what I'm working on. That's what I encourage you to join me in. It's so much more fun to wake up every day and feel a deep sense of clarity and purpose. So here's my final encouragement to you. This globalist sickness does not go away without confrontation. We can't wish it away and we can't wait for someone else to be Superman.

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So get your health in order, get your house in order, get your people skills in order and go build local community. Go work on building a hub of sovereignty where you live and let's make this globalist agenda an ugly relic of history. May we learn from them and become patient, systems-level thinkers with a generational outlook. If we do that, then I think we beat these guys at their own game. And may we be wise as serpents and innocent as doves in the days ahead. And if you're a Christian, especially remember this God has not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and sound mind, so go act like it. Okay. With that said, I will sign off for today. If you appreciated this episode, please share it, and let's go make the world a better place.

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